9 April 2012

Don't We Just Love the 82nd Minute!

Another day, another draw. 6th of 2012. On a day where a win really mattered, we didn't win. But who's really surprised.
A day when half the team didn't turn up and the performance wasn't good enough we drew, just. The likes of Torres, Ramires, Meireles and Ivanovic didn't turn up. But (the beautiful thing that is) hindsight will say it's a good result, especially when you look back at the performance. Another day in the life of Chelsea Football Club.

Nevertheless, let's look upwards. Ryan Bertrand, like a London bus waited for a Premier League start for so long then two come along at once. The boy can play a bit, you know. And cross! Yes, you read that, we have a player in the team that can actually cross a football! I think we may have a talent in our grasp people. (Have to stick a few stats in there somewhere!) So, Ryan made 3 tackles which was a joint high for Chelsea (Ramires, JT and Ivan). 92% pass accuracy and had a shot! Don't forget his brilliant crosses too, one of which led to an even in which we should have had a penalty (and everyone will notice how no one mentions this in their match reports).
Also, I don't understand the bashing that Salomon Kalou seems to be getting. He won us the penalty and put himself about. More than what can be said for Torres, but let's not go there right now. Mikel too, he was solid, doing his job. Keeping us at bay-ish for the majority of the game. 

But then came the 81st minute. So underestimated yet a fortune teller nonetheless. A brilliant Petr Cech save came (Bertrand was on the line right behind him anyway though) and he blasted the entire defence. You could see the anger in his face at the way the team was defending. Rightly so, especially after the result which came in the beloved 82nd minute. 

The 82nd minute seems to be cursed since the Benfica game. Conceded in the 82nd minute to them, conceded in a similar time period against Aston Villa and Wigan. Then the 82nd minute against Fulham. In the majority of these games, we led 1-0 then sat. Just sat. And guess what, we concede. A resurging pattern it seems under RDM's Chelsea. That's four consecutive draws against Fulham by the way, in all competitions.

There's something more important than all this though. Frank Lampard scored his 150th goal today and was by far the best Chelsea player on show. He's the first midfielder to do this in the Premier League. Legend. Unimaginably, he still gets more criticism than he does praise. It's unreal. 

A 6 day break now, hallelujah! Then we have a cup semi against Tottenham, then Barca. Then Arsenal and Barca. Tough. But still, we have nothing to lose. Let's hope the players are up for those games. If they're not, I'd be worried.

Follow me on twitter - @lauera_n


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